Artist Bio

Shae Meyer is a mixed media artist who was born in Boulder, CO, in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains. Growing up amidst the contrast of a tech town and the scenic mountains, Meyer became fascinated with the interplay of disparate colors, forms, and materials. His childhood experiences exploring the dissonant surroundings of wild forests and city back alleys shaped his unique perspective on beauty.

After earning his BFA in Printmaking from the University of Colorado he relocated to New York City, immersing himself in large-scale oil paintings influenced by the Hudson River style and developing his own artistic style and methods.

Drawing inspiration from his printmaking experiences (ferric chloride etching, nitric acid on lithographic stone, and ink viscosity), he incorporated these concepts into his paintings. Beyond traditional mediums, he sought innovative approaches and materials to bring his ideas to life on paper, canvas, copper, and stone.

Meyer's art explores questions of objectivity, subjectivity, and individuality in different environments. We all wonder about our place in the world—whether we are a big part of something small or a small part of something big. The abstract paintings reflect these universal questions by examining phenomena of vastly different scales; the fascinating correlations between the largest of astronomical events and the tiniest of biological processes . By exploring the similarities between the smallest and largest wonders of our world he draws connections between the two that otherwise may be hidden.

Shae Meyer currently lives in upstate New York with his partner and their two cats.